Commission Painting Services

Welcome to Grim Dice Studios, the home of Grim Dice's affordable commission painting and building service.

Request a quote here

We offer three levels of painting for you:

Tabletop: Assembled, mould lines removed, primed, basic colours, shaded and highlighted one level.  Basic basing.

Tabletop+: Assembled, mould lines removed, primed, colours, shaded and highlighted several levels.  Based.  More detail on character models.

Advanced: Full work up on your model.

We also offer other services to help you too:

Model Assembly: We can do the leg work for you - building kits including mould line clean up and gap filling, undercoating if required.

Base Colouring: Assembled, mould lines removed, primed, basic block colours added, no shading or highlighting.

Prices vary so please complete the form here for more information and a quote unique for you.  All the services include regular updates and photos of the progression of the work on your models.

You can also head to the Grim Dice Studios Facebook page here to see more examples of our work.