Pokemon TCG & VGC Casual League Play Sundays

Manufacturer: Grim Dice Tabletop Gaming

Regular price £2.00

Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Tags: Event, League, League Sessions, Pokemon

Session starts 10.00 and finishes 16.00

Grim's Pokemon League Play session for TCG & VGC - whether you go Casual or Competitive Track come along, bring your deck and Pokemon Play ID, put your hat on backwards and take on other trainers!

Anyone attending who is under 16 must have an adult remain with them.

Please ensure you have your Play Pokemon ID with you (obtain one from Grim or here: https://support.pokemon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001031234-How-do-I-generate-a-Player-ID- )

Create an account here: Pokémon Trainer Club

Play Pokemon league info is here: https://assets.pokemon.com//assets/cms2-en-uk/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-league-handbook-11022022-en.pdf