Shatterpoint Tournament Saturday 29.03.25

Manufacturer: Grim Dice Tabletop Gaming

Regular price £10.00

Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

9 left in stock

Tags: BCP Required, Event, Shatterpoint, Tournament

Event will be run under AMG's Showdown Event pack rules - please ensure you have downloaded and read it ahead of the event.  The pack can be downloaded from

The BCP app is required, once you have bought your ticket email Grim with the email you use on BCP so we can register you. BCP info/download is here.

You need to bring your strike team, all relevant cards as well as all game tools etc (See Player Responsibilities in event pack).  Any new releases or changes to rules/FAQ that occur 7  days or less of the date of the event will not be in use.

Strike team lists must be submitted on BCP one week before the event

Prize support of vouchers and winner chooses a Shatterpoint unit box of their choice.

Four rounds of 120 min+random duration, timings below, no progression cut.


  • 08.30 Registration
  • 09.00 Round One start
  • 11.15 Round Two start
  • 13.20 Lunch
  • 14.00 Round Three start
  • 16.15 Round Four start
  • 18.30 Prizes