Pokemon Sanctioned Tournament Tuesday 15.10.24

Manufacturer: Grim Dice Tabletop Gaming

Regular price £5.00

Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

14 left in stock

Tags: Event, Pokemon, Tournament

Pokemon tournament registration starts 18.00

Bring with you a legal deck and deck list for submission, all relevant gaming tools you'll require as none will be provided (tokens, dice etc), and a sporting attitude!
Create a Pokemon Trainer Club account here: Pokémon Trainer Club


  • Tournament Format: Standard Swiss (rounds and single elimination dependant on number of players)
  • Best of 3 games, 50 mins round timer
  • Prize Support: One booster in the prize pool for every entry, will be trickled down through the top placed finishers (dependent on number of duelists)
  • Registration: 18.00-18.30
  • Round 1 Start: 18.30
  • Lunch: [Depends on size of event however not included]

Please find appropriate documentation for official rules, deck list forms etc below https://www.pokemon.com/uk/play-pokemon/about/tournaments-rules-and-resources